The Best Thing I Read This Week Is …

IMG_0080… The advice Andrew W.K. gives to someone who has lost their confidence and wants it back. Andrew W.K.  basically tells this person and all of us HOW TO LIVE. Get ready for the Truth: 

There is no “old self” to get back to. There is only yourself now. There is no real way to “be who you were;” you can only to be who you are.

The longer you live, the more you’ll realize the impossibility of holding onto anything other than where you currently are. And even that moment is in motion. It’s all one, big, huge, solid moment — a moment called “your life.” Don’t go back and live in a moment that doesn’t exist any more when you have this precious moment right in front of you now. You’ve earned it. Be worthy of your own life.

His take on confidence is what I’ve been waiting to read:

As far as the concept of confidence goes, it seems that the idea of being confident is a largely misinterpreted, poorly-applied, extremely over-valued and distorted version of integrity. What is commonly described as confidence is the sort of artificially well-adjusted swagger we secretly wished we had, but generally loathe when we see it aggressively displayed by others. It’s an unnecessarily brazen boldness that seems to be trying a little too hard to compensate for some poorly concealed weakness. This type of impudence really isn’t confidence at all, but just a loud and futile attempt to drown out fear with pompous boasting rather than truly overcoming it and transforming doubts into actual strengths. What may first appear as certitude and ability, even to the person showcasing these traits, is really just a sort of disconnection masquerading as self-assurance.

Intentionally blinding ourselves to the inherent insecurity found in nearly all aspects of our daily existence does not count as confidence. Pushing those feelings of doubt, confusion, and instability out of one’s mind doesn’t count as belief in oneself. It’s more like an aggressive ignorance, an unwillingness to go through the humbling and painful process of true self-evaluation and growth.

True confidence is a quiet and largely invisible state of inner conviction. You don’t need to outwardly prove your bravery to yourself or anyone else. When you’re genuinely confident, it’s a choice you perpetually make to be true to yourself, even when that true is full of vulnerability and risk.

Brushing off one’s doubts may seem like an easy way to empower oneself, but truly having the confidence to face one’s weaker moments with brutal self-awareness and penetrating honesty is even better. This is certainly more challenging, but it’s infinitely more rewarding for our spirit and our surroundings to be delicate and thoughtful with our strength.

It’s really this type of quiet confidence that we’re striving for. And whether we like it or not, this type of confidence cannot always be developed or measured by things like buying houses, getting college degrees, or being popular with others.

Okay, I’m not going to copy the whole thing even though I want to. I tweeted that this should be taught in schools and it should.

Please click on the link and read all of his thoughtful, kind advice. I’m going to write more about it on Sunday. The topic:  please don’t tell me how to feel but help me see more clearly. Like Andrew W.K. has.


6 thoughts on “The Best Thing I Read This Week Is …

  1. I love how he wrote, “True confidence is a quiet and largely invisible state of inner conviction.” So true, thank you for sharing.


  2. Thanks for this. I love his description of true confidence being a quiet and largely invisible state of inner conviction. I really love this…no swagger required at all!! Thanks for this great post, Melene.Great reading from a sensitive, strong and quietly confident soul.


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